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Bio-key provides you with professional experimental equipment solutions and actively responds to the national action plan to promote large-scale equipment updates

Recently, the State Council issued the Action Plan for Promoting Large-scale Equipment Replacement and Trade-in of Consumer Goods (hereinafter referred to as the "Action Plan"). Guided by Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, the Action Plan thoroughly implements the spirit of the 20th CPC National Congress, the deployment of the Central Economic Work Conference and the fourth meeting of the Central Financial and Economic Commission. It coordinates the expansion of domestic demand and the deepening of supply-side structural reform, adheres to the market-oriented approach and government guidance, encourages the advanced and eliminates the backward, leads with standards and promotes orderly improvement. It implements four major actions, including equipment renewal, trade-in of consumer goods, recycling and utilization, and standard improvement. It vigorously promotes the production and application of advanced equipment, continuously improves the proportion of advanced production capacity, encourages more high-quality and durable consumer goods to enter residents' lives, smooths the chain of resource recycling and utilization, and significantly improves the quality and level of national economic circulation.


Previously, the sample was unable to produce imaging results, but now it is possible!

Real dynamic collection range and large full-well electron capacity provides high overexposure resistance Modular software adopts to the latest application, requiring less equipment Easy analysis of exposure quantifies the exact signal needed on the bends NASA-class sensors guarantee clear and crisp images every time Stable and smart construction allows the Touch Imager to function without the need for cooling systems.


Digital pathology | Aperio CT 6 Digital Slide Scanner

The Aperio CT 6 digital slide scanner developed and produced by Leica Biosystems in China has been officially launched. Aperio is Leica's world-renowned digital pathology series product. As a member of the Aperio family, the Aperio CT 6, released this time, provides impressive image color performance and fast scanning speed on low throughput products, and supports large-sized glass slides of 2x3 inches and 4x3 inches, providing more possibilities for researchers.


New Product Release | HistoCore LIGHT S Leica Laser Slide Marking Machine

Advanced cold laser printing technology, with an ultra long service life, can ensure printing quality, long-term stability of the instrument, and human safety. Innovative equipment layout can further improve the efficiency of slicing and glass slide printing, help laboratory personnel reduce the risk of organizational mismatch and missing, reduce the actual operating time of slicing workstations, ensure organizational safety, and improve work efficiency.


zenCELL owl A study on the cell inhibitory effect of head and neck squamous cell carcinoma in vitro environment

Head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC) is a primary malignant tumor. As the seventh most common cancer worldwide, the number of newly diagnosed cases is expected to exceed 870000 in 2020 and continues to rise. The treatment methods for HNSCC include surgery, radiotherapy (RT), chemotherapy (CRT), etc. The prognosis of HNSCC is poor, with over half of advanced patients experiencing local recurrence or metastasis. The long-term survival rate of patients is low, partly due to the drug resistance of cancer cells. In various tumors, including HNSCC, inhibitors of apoptosis proteins (lAPs) are often overexpressed, leading to cancer cell apoptosis evasion and dysregulation of the apoptosis pathway, resulting in cancer recurrence or metastasis in patients.


Large scale sample pathology equipment |Leica CM3600 XP

Unlike frozen sections of small tissues, large tissues are prone to tissue fragmentation and folding during metastasis due to their large tissue area and thin thickness, making it difficult to transfer samples directly through glass slides like small tissues. In order to better preserve the integrity of the tissue, Leica adopts a characteristic tape transfer technique: by applying transfer tape on the surface of the tissue before slicing, sufficient support is provided to the large tissue during the slicing process to avoid tissue damage.


No need for protein purification, single molecule study of DNA protein interactions under physiological conditions

In a recent paper published in Nuclear Acids Research, Professor Bennett Van Houten from the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine in the United States developed a revolutionary new method that combines C-Trap dynamic single-molecule technology with nuclear protein extraction technology, without the need for complex protein purification and fluorescence labeling, to directly study the dynamic interaction process between proteins and nucleic acids in nuclear extracts.


Blue Pippin Promotes Chinese Scientists to Draw the First Pangenomic Reference Map of Chinese People

On June 14, 2023, China Central Television News Channel reported that 26 research institutions, including Fudan University and Xi'an Jiaotong University, jointly conducted a study to draw a pan genomic reference map of the Chinese population based on 36 ethnic groups in China. The related results were published in the international authoritative journal Nature on June 14, Beijing time. This is also the first major achievement achieved by Chinese scientists in independently conducting panoramic genomics research on their own population.


Technical training for Leica CM3600 XP - Whole Body Sectioning with GLP documentation

From March 27th to March 31st, 2023, I successfully graduated from the one week technical training for the large-scale whole body frozen slicer CM3600XP held at the Shenzhen Bay Laboratory.


Leica Biosystems acquires Cell IDx through strong collaboration, driving the development of fully automated fluorescence and bright field multi staining fields

Celebrating Leica Biosystems - a leader in automatic staining, bright field, and fluorescence imaging technology, and recently acquiring Cell IDx, a leader in tissue multiple staining and analysis. CellIDx was founded in 2012 and is headquartered in San Diego. It provides multiple staining schemes, tissue staining, and imaging and analysis services.



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